Discussion Groups – Office For Social Justice And Diversity - 鶹ýӦUniversity


Social Justice Peer Leaders Group Picture

Discussion Groups

The Office for Social Justice and Diversity create space for undergraduate and graduate students who share similar identities to come together in a welcoming environment to build community, share experiences, and support one another. These discussion groups are facilitated by trained Peer Facilitators and discussions are based on different topics each week. Our groups are open to anyone and others are confidential spaces designed solely for people who share the identity of that specific group. The open groups are defined in the descriptions below and the confidential spaces are marked below with an “*”.

Students looking to observe in order to fulfill academic requirements will NOT be permitted. Those students should instead register to attend an informative workshop or training session or email diversity@montclair.edu for assistance. 


A weekly discussion group for undergraduate and graduate students in the asexual community, identifying as asexual, aromantic, demisexual, etc. This group is dedicated to the enrichment of the lives of asexual identities at 鶹ýӦby providing support and friendship in an open and caring environment.

Time: Tuesdays, 1:30-2:30 p.m.
Location: Student Center, Room 417
Facilitator: Ella (she/her)


A weekly discussion and support group for bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual, fluid, intersex, nonbinary, gender nonconforming, two-spirit, queer, or questioning students. This group is dedicated to the enrichment of the lives of non-binary identities at 鶹ýӦby providing support and friendship in an open and caring environment.

Time: Wednesdays, 4-5 p.m.
Location: Student Center, Room 417
Facilitator: Nikki (she/her)

First to Finish: First-Generation College Student Conversations (FGCSC) – Office for Social Justice and Diversity (OSJD) & Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF)First to Finish is a biweekly discussion group for first-generation undergraduate students at 鶹ýӦUniversity. First-generation students are students whose parents do not have college degrees. First to Finish meets every other Thursday at 5 p.m. in Student Center Room 419. For more information, email Facilitator Angela White: whiteang@mail.montclair.edu

Time: Not Currently Running
Location: Not Currently Running
Facilitator: Not Currently Running

LET’S TALK (Individual Walk-In Sessions) – CAPS & OSJD

Although Let’s Talk counselors are CAPS professionals, it is not a substitute for psychotherapy or formal counseling and does not constitute mental health treatment. Let’s Talk counselors provide informal consultations to help students with specific problems and to introduce them to what it’s like to speak with a counselor. Let’s Talk counselors can help students determine whether formal counseling at CAPS would be useful and, if appropriate, assist the student in scheduling an appointment.

Time: Wednesdays, 3-4:30 p.m.
Location: Student Center, Room 113C
Facilitator: CAPS

MEN’S GROUP* – LGBTQ CenterA weekly group for gay, bisexual, queer, and questioning cis and trans men. This group is a great way to meet other queer men of 鶹ýӦand hang out in a relaxing, safe space. This group is trans-inclusive so anyone who identifies as a man may attend, regardless of sex assigned at birth.

Time: Not Currently Running
Location: Not Currently Running
Facilitator: Sean (he/him) & Aiden (he/they)


A weekly support group run by CAPS for queer and questioning students in various stages of the coming out process. Please email wadhwanis@mail.montclair.edu for questions.

Time: Not Currently Running
Location: Not Currently Running
Facilitator: Not Currently Running


Q-mmunity is a weekly queer meet-up/discussion group LGBTQ+ and allied students. Come engage in fun, laid-back discussions ranging from identity, current and social issues and events, and life in general. Join our Q-mmunity – whether you are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, same-gender loving, two-spirit, asexual, or questioning… or fall anywhere on the queer spectrum.

Time: Not Currently Running
Location: Not Currently Running
Facilitator: Not Currently Running


A weekly discussion and support group providing LGBTQ+ students of color with a space to explore their identities and the intersections between race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity.

Time: Not Currently Running
Location: Not Currently Running
Facilitator: Not Currently Running


A bi-weekly discussion and support group for undergraduate and graduate students who identify as transgender, transsexual, genderqueer, agender, bigender, gender fluid, gender non-conforming, or any other non-cisgender or non-binary identity to discuss topics like navigating Montclair State, gender identity, expression, transitioning, and friends and family. Transcending Boundaries meets on the following dates: 9/9, 9/23, 10/7, 10/21, 11/4, 11/18, & 12/2.

Time: Wednesdays, 2-3 p.m.
Location: Student Center, Room 417
Facilitator: Ray (he/him) & Cris (he/they)


A weekly meeting space for lesbian, bisexual, queer, and questioning cis and trans women. Come hang out in a relaxing, safe space with other queer women of Montclair State. This group is trans-inclusive so anyone who identifies as a woman may attend, regardless of sex assigned at birth.

Time: Bi-Weekly on Wednesdays, 3-4 p.m.
Location: Student Center, Room 417
Facilitator: TBA